Many things have been going on lately- very busy, like the bees that sit here on my desk, waiting for me to make their hive- oh bees, will be soon.......but i've learned something about making websiteishness....a real design and everythings i still must make- and eventually it will be up.
Albino Tyler Poncho was on the front page of Etsy! It expired before i actually got into the treasury.....but he got over 800 views, and a lot of hearts- and i got some custom orders! They are fun, there will be a Double size Double bear up in Tyler's shop in a few weeks i predict.
But lately i've realized that my tyler poncho obsession is really getting crazy- it seems i'm making 2-12 drawings/images/representations of him a day for the past week- he's seems to have found his way into every part of my life, it's strange, and sometimes when i realize this i make him dance around the apartment. and then it gets quiet again..
but i recommend looking at that picture on the website and listening to this song, (the music player is on the right.)

...oh yes, and now i have the glorious Spore- so i don't know how i'll finish anything now. I've made many monsters- my user name is Kaeti6 in case one pops up in your world, and yes Tyler Poncho is in spore to!!
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